JFK Angry About Furniture

Why would JFK make an angry call about furniture?

In July 1963, JFK had his hands full. Not only was he busy being the president, but he also had another child on the way. So he, along with his family, took a much needed break to the family estate in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. He few in and out Air Force One through the nearest military facility, Otis Air Force Base. The nice folks at Otis decided that they'd fix up one of the hospital rooms as a maternity ward just in case the newest Kennedy showed up early.

The only problem is that the press got wind of the new additions and soon Kennedy was being accused of running up a $5000 bill at the taxpayers expense. This is the telephone call that President Kennedy made right before chewing out the Air Force general.

You can listen to the calls in all their glory here.

And if you’re curious about what happened to The Silly Bastard Next to the Bed - have a gander here?